Happy 2018! New Comics Coming Soon!

We swear she’s been hard at work! You may have noticed the new webcomics slow from a trickle to a stop! [FYI, that’s a screenshot of the inking work Arigon is doing for the cover of “Super Indian Volume Three.”] There are reasons. Let Arigon tell you herself:
Dear Readers:
2017 was a very busy year! Not only did I relocate to Tulsa, Oklahoma to become a Tulsa Artist Fellow, I wrote a full-length play, attended many conferences and festivals and worked on several side projects, including the folks at the Pop Culture Classroom in Denver, Colorado.
The play that I wrote, “Round Dance,” is a romantic comedy about a Muscogee Creek family that relocates from Oklahoma to 1950’s downtown Los Angeles. As many of you know, there was a government program that encourage Indian folks to move away from their communities to make big bucks in the cities (San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, Phoenix, etc.). Some folks made it — some folks didn’t. My play tells the story of Rudy, a World War II veteran who works in a gas station, surrounded by family and friends. Rudy’s dreams of success hedge on a meeting in a downtown, seedy Indian bar….and hijinks ensue. The play was submitted to the New Native Play Festival, sponsored by the Oklahoma City Theater Company in April. The play got a great response and was added to the OKC Theater Company’s 2018 schedule. If you want to see the play, get yourself to Oklahoma City from June 6-17. Read more about the show on the OKC’s website: http://www.okctc.org
As if that wasn’t enough, I was asked to contribute art for the “Colorful History” project, a series of two-page comics based on Colorado history. The first project was the artwork for a wonderful script from Hugo Hanriot about “The Ludlow Massacre,” an incident in the early part of 1900’s that started the labor movement. The folks there loved my work so much they asked me to do two more projects, one about Mesa Verde and Chief Ouray. Here’s a sample of one of the panels from “Mesa Verde: Footprints.”
The folks at Pop Culture Classroom are real fans of my artwork and gave me a lot of room to tell these stories the way I wanted to. Very, very thrilled to work with them!
These projects (and others I’m still developing) are taking a toll on my work on “Super Indian.” However, don’t despair! New comics are on the way, including the full story of “Call of the Wild.”
Color us excited! Watch this space for more new work and exciting news!