Minorities in Publishing Podcast Features Arigon!

A new audio interview with Arigon has been posted on the “Minorities in Publishing” site this week. The interview conducted by Jenn Baker covers Arigon’s work as Native female creator and publisher. You can check out the link to the website here or also subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, Google Play or IHeartRadio. Check it out!
Jenn commented about the new podcast via Facebook:
New episode of the Minorities in Publishing podcast is up! First for the new year with Arigon Starr who is an *absolute* delight to speak to. We spoke about her comic Super Indian, the need to see happiness and family unity in Native stories, and also being a one-person band and pushing through your process. Fun times.
One of my fave quotes from Arigon is, “Super Indian, because of that radio show, just gave me so many wonderful ideas about how I can continue to tell the story and have fun with the humor of Indian country. Because people, they don’t think we laugh or have fun. So, whoo! Bustin’ stereotypes one at a time.”