Phoenix Comic Con Visit May 24-27


Phoenix Comic Con LogoIt’s that time again! Arigon Starr and Janet Miner are headed to Phoenix, Arizona to participate in the annual Phoenix Comic Con. Held at the huge downtown Phoenix Convention Center, the Con will attract thousands of visitors to the trade show and celebrity panels.

This year, Arigon will be part of a group of artists on the Native Americans in Comics panel. Organized by San Carlos Apache artist/creator Jacques La Grange, the panel includes Arigon, Jonathan Nelson, Michael Sheyahshe, Ryan Huna Smith, Jon Proudstar and La Grange. The group will talk about their comic projects, plus other important and intriguing issues facing Native Americans in the comic business.

Adding to the excitement is a group booth on the trade show floor. In all the Comic Cons we’ve attended in the past few years — there hasn’t been one booth that featured Native American artists.

Here are the details on the panel:

Native Americans in Comics
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Location: 127A

Entrance prices vary — you have a couple of days to get the discount online price at

Once you’re in — you can visit us at the trade booth located at space #753-755.

We’ll have more announcements this week. Watch this space!


2 thoughts on “Phoenix Comic Con Visit May 24-27

  1. what are the times of 2012 phoenix comic-con or when will the biggest amount of people be there???

    1. Cami — we’re sorry we didn’t get your comment until today! We’ve been camped at Phoenix Comic Con with limited internet access. Hope you had a chance to stop in and pick up your own copy of “Super Indian Volume One.” The Native Americans in Comics panel was a big success and we sure appreciate all the folks who turned out to support us!

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