Super Indian Loves Native Radio

Uncle Chester on the Radio
Uncle Chester Logan Hits the Airwaves

As many of you know from the “Super Indian” radio series, Super Indian gets distress calls from his Uncle Chester Logan.

Uncle Chester is fairly low tech — he either calls Super Indian on a pay phone in the Bingo Hall or buzzes him on an ancient pager. We’re pretty sure Uncle Chester probably has one of those brick-sized celluar phones so popular in the last century standing by in his home.

Chester is also well-known on the Leaning Oak Reservation as the host of the “Pow-Wow Power Hour.” He spins a lot of traditional drum groups like Yellowhammer, Black Lodge Singers and Eyabay!

We all love the “Real Super Indians” who staff, host and produce radio programs, plus the hard-working folks who run the stations and fund raiser tirelessly for Native communities across the U.S. and Canada. Through their efforts, many folks were able to listen to the original “Super Indian” radio series produced by the Native Radio Theater Project and Native Voices at the Autry, distributed by Native Voice One and AIROS. You can listen to the full archived show on

If you’re hep to the jive, you know where to join the ongoing “Hubert’s Blog” storyline. “Hubert’s Blog” has Hubert Logan, Super Indian’s geeky alter-ego, trying to make a name for himself by starting an online blog. However, Hubert seems to be ticking Reservation folks off one by one…..and he’s got another thing coming if he thinks he can take on Bingo boss Lena Marie!

For those of you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Super Indian, click here or on the comic book cover and see what’s happening. “Super Indian” has been live since this past April — so you’re sure to catch up fast! Every Monday new panels are delivered to a breathless public. AAAY!

Wonder where the story is going? Suppose that Hubert will get the best of his own superhero alter-ego? Waiting for another appearance from Diogi? All will be revealed in upcoming “Super Indian” webcomics.

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