Fun at Phoenix Comic Con 2011

“Super Indian” made it’s first successful appearance as part of a panel at a major Comic Con! Hooray!
Arigon was calling it “Baby’s First Comic Con,” and it certainly was one to remember.
Artist Jacques LaGrange pitched and put together the panel “Natives in the Comic Book World” and the panel drew a good crowd during a busy Saturday afternoon at the Phoenix Convention Center.
[That’s Arigon on the dais!]
The audience asked very thoughtful questions and seemed to really want more Native-themed stories, art and creators. “It was great to not have to explain everything about being Native and why we want to tell the stories we want to. The crowd was really knowledgeable and made all of us feel welcome,” smiled Arigon.
Afterwards, Arigon made an appearance at her very own booth in the Exhibit Hall. Again, she exclaimed “Baby’s First Comic Con Booth!” Many well-wishers and other stopped by. “What was really fun was to reconnect with my cousins Jeremy and Mitchell Morris. They’re more hardcore about genre than I am,” she laughed. Arigon was also there with Wacky Productions’ CEO Janet Miner, her other cousin Calanie Bailey and her mother Ruth Wahpecome. “I think we had the most fun at the Leonard Nimoy panel,” revealed Arigon. “My Mom is a die-hard Trekkie and was just thrilled to see her favorite member of the Enterprise, Mr. Spock.”

We have a quick look at an upcoming character in the Super Indian Universe — Hubert’s cousin Myra Hill.
Note that Myra is sporting a “Kyle” t-shirt. “Even I don’t have a Kyle t-shirt. That makes me very cross,” snorted Arigon. Kyle t-shirts are definitely on the list!
Who are these crazy “fan girls” of the Leaning Oak Reservation? Lead by Tillie Thunder, the “Star Wars” fanatic, it’s clear they have some definite views of the world they live in. “I envision a world of Tillie Thunder’s and Myra’s who love science fiction, fantasy, vampires and super heroes as much as the next kid,” yukked Arigon. I wanted the kids in Leaning Oak to have interests beyond the Reservation — like actual Indian kids. However, I don’t know if any are are devoted to ‘Star Wars’ or the ‘Underworld’ series as the gals in the Leaning Oak Fan Girls group. They’re frighteningly devoted!”
More from Comic Con and lots of fun photos to come!
Now, Arigon will join her fellow artists Jacques LaGrange and Teddy Tso over at the San Diego Comic Con. “No panel for us this year, but hopefully in 2012, we will all have books out,” said Arigon. She will also visit and talk with other artists to get their perspectives on self-publishing and promoting their comics. “This is every bit as tough as the music business. The same dynamics are in play — who you know, relationships to be fostered and being visible and participating.” Viva Super Indian!