Native American Comics Roundtable Coming to Phoenix Comic Con


Gan Phoenix Comic Con 2013

That’s the fabulous artwork of Ryan Huna Smith, one of the members of the Indigenous Narratives Collective and an amazing fine artist. Ryan is working on his series “Gan,” and was able to secure a most excellent moderator for the “Native American Comics Roundtable” — the legendary poet/writer from Acoma Pueblo, Simon Ortiz.

Having Simon Ortiz moderator our panel is like…well….having Maya Angelou or Robert Frost be the host of our show. Seriously.

Hope you’ll find time to join Rezium Studios (Arigon Starr and Janet Miner) at the Phoenix Comic Con, which happens May 23-26 at the downtown Phoenix Convention Center. There will be an Indigenous Narratives Collective Booth on the trade show floor.

We encourage you to come down and support ALL of the fantastic Native artists/writers who are working hard to make sure we’re represented in the comic book world!













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